Visible Words: Digital Epigraphy in a Global Perspective

An international workshop at Brown University, Providence, R.I.
John D. Rockefeller Library,  6-7 October 2017

This workshop, which is free and open to the public, will bring together experts in the epigraphic cultures of different languages and scriptural traditions from the ancient Mediterranean and Near East, South and East Asia, and Mesoamerica who are also involved in creating (or developing) digital editions and databases of inscriptions, to explore shared interests and challenges during a day-and-a-half of short presentations and group round-table discussions.

The workshop will be immediately preceded by an EpiDoc workshop (5-6 October) designed to introduce the basics of the EpiDoc editing system; the Epidoc workshop is also free and open to the public but space in it is limited and advanced registration is required. For further information about both workshops, see here: