AIEGL – Association Internationale d’Épigraphie Grecque et Latine

News and Events

Nouvelles de l'AIEGL 2023

Nouvelles de l'AIEGL published in Epigraphica 2024.

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Winner of Géza Alföldy Stipend 2024

The tres homines praemiis dandis, Mustafa Adak, Marietta Horster and Peter Thonemann, awarded the Géza Alföldy Stipend 2024 to:

Evelien Roels to publish the book “The Writing on the Wall: Aspects of Epigraphic Culture in Hellenistic Asia Minor”.

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New issue of the Journal of Epigraphic Studies

Please find enclosed herewith a leaflet advertising the publication of The Journal of Epigraphic Studies 7 (2024), including the table of contents as well as a subscription form.

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Greek Epigraphy Summer School

Dal 9 al 15 giugno 2024 si è tenuta la prima edizione della GrEpiSS Greek Epigraphy Summer School, nata da una collaborazione tra le Università di Salerno, Roma Tre, Venezia Ca’ Foscari e il Parchi Archeologici di Paestum e Velia.

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XXIII Stage Epigrafico ad Altino e dintorni

1-5 luglio 2024

Direzione: Marianna Bressan, Lorenzo Calvelli, Giovannella, Cresci Marrone

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Call for Papers

Language and Cultural Interactions in the Roman World: The Impact of Inscriptions

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Tyche Supplementband 16

The volume “Latin Inscriptions from the Legionary Fortress of Apulum”, published by George Cupcea (National Museum of Transylvanian History, Cluj, Romania), in the series Tyche Supplementband (no. 16), of the Institute of Ancient History and Classical Studies, Papyrology and Epigraphy of the University of Vienna, is published by Holzhausen.

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XXVI Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’épigraphie du monde romain

La XXVI Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’épigraphie du monde romain si terrà a Caen nei giorni 21-23 maggio 2025 e avrà come tema «Ruptures et mutations des cultures épigraphiques dans le monde romain, IIIe s. a. C. – VIe s. p. C.»

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