The winners of our Géza Alföldy awards 2020

We are very proud to announce the winners of our Géza Alföldy awards.
Amongst a very strong pool of applicants with really interesting proposals, the tres homines praemis dandis grant the research award to:

Sergio España-Chamorro (Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne) for the work on the project “Corpus terminorum Italiae antiquae (CoTIA). The study of termini lapidei and the implementation of limits in the Italian peninsula”.

The tres homines praemis dandis grant the publication award to:

Maria Cristina de la Escosura Balbas (University of Zaragoza) to publish the book “La población de Carthago Nova de la conquista al principado. Epigrafía y onomástica”.

Our warmest congratulations to the winners!

Furthermore we would like to remind you that the second deadline for applications for epigraphic training courses/workshops is November 30. We are looking forward to receiving your application.