Support and Expand the Packard Humanities Institute's Greek Inscriptions Database

Fellow epigraphists, scholars and students of ancient history and archaeology! With the support and encouragement of several colleagues here in Athens, I have created a petition in to persuade the Packard Humanities Institute to consider adopting a more collaborative model for their online database of Greek Inscriptions.
The link to sign the petition is:
This petition aims to achieve two key goals:
- Demonstrate to PHI that the community of those using and benefitting from their Greek Inscriptions Database is not as small as they perceive. The voices and signatures gathered here will underscore the widespread reliance on this unique resource.
- Persuade PHI to consider adopting a more collaborative model for their online database, akin to a wiki. By allowing experts worldwide to contribute by typing texts and submitting them to the PHI for inclusion in the database, we can ensure its growth and sustainability. This would not only help to revitalize the database but would also open up avenues for scholars across the globe to participate in the preservation and study of ancient history.