Dear Friends,

I'm turning to you, colleagues, students and to all people who care about the culture in general, human sciences in particular. It is not the first time that I draw your attention to the Italian Archaeological School of Athens (SAIA), twice we have launched yet a online petition, on its defense, signed by almost 10,000 people in total.

Unfortunately the situation has not changed! No, go ahead! This is the reason why now i turn to you, asking to support the cause with a donation! This on the one hand will hopefully help the School in overcoming momentary (hopefully) difficulties and, on the other hand, will serve as a signal against the widespread tendency to operate those crazy cuts affecting in particular cultural heritage institutions. I would like to conclude this appeal, reiterating that, despite “the birds of ill omen”, the School is alive more than ever, although a few dishonest (fortunately very few) would like to disregard that (our vitality is demonstrated by the success of scientific publishing and educational activities promoted by the SAIA).

The School is poor in means because of the financial crisis. (it is a recent news?) We strive since 2008 (if anyone remembers the frightening crisis began 6 years ago!) and now the school is on opposite conditions in comparison to the past. When resources were no used to the best of its potential. Here's the paradox: much money with a few initiatives vs. little money with many initiatives!

Donate your contribution, dear friends! Help us to prevent the withering away of an institution, by now secular, who now lives at the service of a community of experts and researchers in the classical antiquity sciences that deal with ancient Mediterranean's history and civilization!

Help us, pour your contribution according to your possibilities and your interest at

IBAN IT09 N060 5503 2000 0000 0020 548

A tabula gratulatoria with your name (unless otherwise indicated) will be published in “Notiziario” and on website of the School (

Heartfelt thanks.
Emanuele Greco