Nouvelles de' AIEGL 2014

  • Bureau

    Président: Manfred G. Schmidt; Vice-président: John Bodel; Secretary General: László Borhy; Secrétaire générale adjointe: Camilla Campedelli; Trésorière: Anne Kolb

    Vérificateurs aux comptes: will be selected at the ‘Assemblée générale’ in Vienna in 2017

  • Membres du Comité

    Mustafa Adak (TR), Francisco Beltrán Lloris (E); Rebecca Benefiel (USA); Dilyana Boteva (BG); Lucia Criscuolo (I); Dino Demicheli (CR), Jonathan Edmondson (CA); Manfred Hainzmann (A), Christina Kokkinia (GR); Krzysztof Królczyk (PL); Ioan Piso (RO), Jonathan Prague (GB), Dennis Rousset (F); Marjeta SASEL Kos (SLO).
    All email addresses can be found on our website under

  • President’s letter

    Dear AIEGL members, distinguished colleagues, dear friends,

    Here is a brief overview of the activities of the Bureau and Comité and of the Association since the publication of the last ‘Nouvelles 2013’:

    Joint meetings of the Bureau and Comité in Alghero 2013 and in Paris 2014

    The Association would like to thank Attilio Mastino (Sassari) for the hospitality that he
    provided to allow the AIEGL Bureau and Comité to meet during the XXth ‘L’Africa Romana’ Conference in Alghero (Sept. 2013). A very fruitful discussion led to a collective decision to amend the now almost 40-year-old Articles of the Association to allow for the possibilities of modern communication:

    Since the AIEGL is an international organization, a plenary meeting of its members as its
    governing body cannot be summoned at any time to put pending matters to the vote. It should,therefore, be possible to convene a virtual ‘Assemblée générale’ via Internet, so that action can be taken during the five-year period between international congresses and not just at the end of each quinquennium at the ‘Assemblée générale’ during the International Congress.

    A vote on this question in the months of March and April unfortunately did not lead to a positive outcome. Despite a large response – a total of 192 votes in favour, just two votes against and one abstention were recorded – a quorum of 298 votes, i.e. two-thirds of the membership, could not be achieved. As a result, the Bureau wishes in the future to develop an appropriate means to be able to further the policies of the Association successfully in collaboration with all its dedicated members. We hope that in the future a large majority of members will help shape decisions through active participation.

    Another meeting of members of the Bureau and Comité has been arranged to find solutions to these questions. On the occasion of this year's EAGLE meeting in Paris (September 29 – October 1) a further joint meeting will be held under the leadership of Vice-President John Bodel, which will discuss the results of the vote.

    Géza Alföldy Scholarship 2014

    For the evaluation of the applications submitted for this scholarship, the Association was able to engage three prestigious epigraphers to serve as tresviri praemiis dandis:

    • Angelos Chaniotis (Princeton)
    • Werner Eck (Köln)
    • Stephen Mitchell (formerly Exeter).

    Their evaluation this year involved initially applications from thirteen young researchers.
    From among the consistently interesting projects the following were selected as winners:

    • Rocca, Francesca (Università di Torino): New manumission inscriptions from the island of
      Host: Italian Archaeological School at Athens (SAIA).
    • Tomasi, Paola (Università degli Studi di Pavia): Tabulae patronatus issued by Italian
      collegia: an updated census and reappraisal of the written evidence,
      Host: Roman Society Research Center of Ghent University.

    We wish Francesca Rocca and Paola Tomasi every success on these projects. At the same time we would like to encourage young epigraphers to apply next year for this same scholarship, which will permit a short research stay abroad.

    In a collective decision, the Bureau also accepted the recommendation of the tresviri to
    increase the sum of the scholarship: in future two Géza Alföldy scholarships will be awarded in the amount of 2,000 euros per year.


    XIVth International Congress in 2012 and 2017

    The proceedings of our XIVth Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae, which was organized in Berlin in late summer 2012 under the auspices of the Academy’s epigraphic projects Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum and Inscriptiones Graecae, are now also in press and well in hand:

    Öffentlichkeit – Monument – Text. Akten des XIV. internationalen Kongresses für griechische und lateinische Epigraphik, edited by W. Eck, P. Funke et al., CIL Auctarium, new series, vol. 4, Berlin – Boston 2014.

    In the 700-page volume all lectures given at the plenary sessions are published along with the abstracts of the talks given in the various thematic sections.

    The contributions are framed by the keynote lectures of S. Rebenich, ‘Berlin and ancient epigraphy’ and J. Hammerstaedt, ‘Inscription and architecture. The philosophical journalism of Diogenes of Oinoanda’.

    The dates of the Vienna Congress have now been fixed. The 15th International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy will take place from Monday 28 August to Friday 1 September 2017 in Vienna.

    If there are any questions, please contact:
    Theresia Pantzer, Organisationsassistentin
    Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik
    Universität Wien
    Universitätsring 1
    1010 Wien

    Membership and registration on the Association’s website

    Currently the Association has 597 members, of which 371 are ‘active’ in accordance with our bylaws, i.e., they have already paid their dues for 2013 or 2014. It is a requirement of our bylaws that contributions be paid by 31 March of the current year. This leads us to request urgently that all members in arrears pay their contributions for the year 2014. The AIEGL sees itself largely as an organization that serves to promote epigraphic research above all of young colleagues; it is financially very dependent on the contributions of its members.

    The registration of a large number of our members by means of the homepage is a welcome
    side effect of our vote this year.
    Technical assistance may be gained, if required, from Anika Strobach (webmaster) on request. Questions and suggestions about the website (gladly received) should be addressed to Camilla Campedelli, Secrétaire générale adjointe, who has responsibility for the Association’s homepage.

    All e-mail addresses may be found on our Homepage at

    Manfred G. Schmid, President
    John Bodel, Vice-President

    Last not least, a reminder about the Payment of Dues

    AIEGL individual Membership is 20 Euros per year, payable by 31 March of the current year. Contisation à vie is 300 Euros.
    For any enquiries regarding payment or status of your membership dues, please contact Monika Pfau,

    Bank Transfer
    Payments by bank transfer are directed as follows:
    Credit Suisse, Rue du Lion d’Or 5-7, CH-1002 Lausanne, Switzerland
    Account No. 318740-41
    in favour of: A.I.E.G.L.
    Clearing No.: 4835
    IBAN: CH84 0483 5031 8740 4100 0

    A standing-order is advisable: order your bank to pay the 20 € on a regular yearly basis. Or pay for more than just one year at a time to save bank charges. Kindly make sure AIEGL gets the full amount credited (i.e. 20.00 per year) by instructing your bank to effect payment without any bank charges to AIEGL.

    Credit Card payment is acceptable for 3-year or longer subscriptions.
    VISA or Mastercard are accepted, they charge between 3.5% to 3.8% commission. To debit your card with the dues we need the following details:

    • Card type (Mastercard or VISA)
    • Card Number
    • Expiry date
    • Name as shown on card

    Card details are best being sent by FAX to: 0041 44 634 3691 or by normal mail to:

    Monika Pfau, Historisches Seminar, Lehrstuhl Prof. Anne Kolb, Karl Schmid-Str. 4, CH-8006
    Zürich/Switzerland or please call 0041 44 634 3871.
    For security reasons do not send credit card details by electronic mail.