International Colloquium Alfred von Domaszewski

Dear colleagues and friends,
we thank those who have confirmed their participation in the International Colloquium Alfred von Domaszewski. Latin Epigraphy in the Roman Empire. The event, organized within the framework of the collaboration between Banat National Museum, Timișoara and the Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, will take place on December 14th-17th 2022 in Timișoara, Romania.
We remind you that the general topic of the conference being the life of Alfred von Domaszewski and his contribution to the epigraphy in the Roman Empire, therefore your paper could explore different aspects of the history of epigraphy in the Modern Era, but also the epigraphic novelties and the newest methods of investigation applied to epigraphic sources. We encourage the inquiries about the biographies of scholars from the time when Alfred von Domaszewski lived and worked, and about the progress of epigraphic discipline since then. The colloquium will be organized on more sections/panels: The Legacy of Alfred von Domaszewski for Roman Epigraphy, New epigraphical discoveries, Old epigraphical discoveries reinterpreted, Minor Inscription and a Poster Section.
For those who have not confirmed yet, we remind you that the title of the presentation, accompanied by a short summary, could be sent to us by October 30th to the following e-mail addresses:, .
We are pleased to inform you that meals and accommodation expenses will be covered by the organizers, together with a visit to the Banat National Museum, Timișoara.
Papers will be published in a scientific volume dedicated to the theme of this symposium.
With best regards, the organizing committee
Prof. Sorin Nemeti (BBU, Cluj-Napoca)
Dr. Călin Timoc (BNM, Timișoara)