In Memory of Joyce M. Reynolds (1918–2022)

In Memory of Joyce M. Reynolds (1918-2022), Protagonist of Libyan Epigraphy
The death of Joyce Reynolds led to a number of obituaries by colleagues and friends (Libyan Studies, Libya Antiqua). This contribution presents three recollections, from different viewpoints.
The first, by Abdulrahim Saleh Shariff and Said Belhassen, tells of the intense and continuous collaborative rapport established in Cyrene with her colleagues of the Department of Antiquities of Libya (DoA).
The second one, by Susan Walker, offers a personal account of a five-year episode in Joyce Reynolds’ life, centred upon their shared experiences in Cyrenaica and enriched by a summary of the historical context of her work in Libya.
The last deals with an identifying characteristic of Joyce’s scientific nature, that is her constant desire to stay up to date, even in her old age, with epigraphic research and her consequently assiduous and stimulating participation in various editions of the L’Africa Romana conferences. These meetings created a reciprocal and deeply-held sense of respect amongst all those who met her, and Attilio Mastino in particular.