Christmas and New Year
Dear Friends and Members,
I hope that this message will find you well, or at least well equipped to face cold weather, big dinners, long journey and – why not – quiet study in the next holidays.
But even if you are going to leave apart epigraphy for a couple of hours, I wish you, for the New Year, to find all the satisfaction and motivation you need and deserve to bring on the study of the themes we love, in order to arrive in perfect „epgraphic shape” to the next International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, that will take place in Bordeaux from August 29th to September 2nd 2022.
In the meanwhile, keep on following the traditional initiatives of our Association (research grants, support for epigraphic summer schools and workshops, patrocinia for conferences...), that can be kept alive thanks to your constant support.
With all my best wishes and thankful thoughts