BES Spring Meeting 2024 – Call for Papers

We are delighted that the upcoming BES Spring Meeting will be held jointly with the Humanities Research Centre, University of Warwick. The theme of our joint colloquium will be ‘Collecting Antiquities in the British Isles’ + we very much hope to attract a broad range of speakers interested not just in inscriptions, but also in the place of inscriptions within wider narratives of collecting from the 16th century onwards.
Provisional speakers so far include Caroline Barron, Peter Liddel, and Alan Montgomery.
Please send offers of contributions to Alison Cooley ( by 31 August 2023. Provisionally, papers will be of up to 30 minutes in length + 15 minutes for discussion. Poster contributions are also welcome. We hope to be able to cover speakers' travel expenses. Postgraduate and early-stage career researchers are most welcome to present papers. At the moment, this is envisaged as being an in-person event only.
Possible topics for exploration include the formation of collections; the social and educational profiles of collectors; the place of collections in schools, national and regional museums, and in country houses/ private collections; ways in which antiquities have been displayed and how visitors have responded to them; the dispersion and ‘afterlife of antiquities’ collections; the place of ‘forgeries’ and reconstructions in modern collections. Other topics most welcome too. We also welcome speakers from other disciplines who might like to help contextualise the collection, display, and viewing of ancient inscriptions within wider social and cultural contexts.