2017 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies, Panel on ‘Epigraphic Economies’

The American Society of Greek and Latin Epigraphy invites submissions for a panel at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies in Toronto on the theme of ‘Epigraphic Economies’.

Abstracts should be sent electronically as a Word file, along with a PDF of the Submission Form, by 1 March 2016 to Nikolaos Papazarkadas at papazarkadas@berkeley.edu. Full information on how to submit an abstract and the topic of the panel can be obtained here:

Further Information

Abstracts will be evaluated anonymously by members of the ASGLE Executive Committee, and should not be longer than 650 words (bibliography excluded): please follow the SCS “Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts”. All Greek should either be transliterated or employ a Unicode font. The Abstract should be sent electronically as a Word file, along with a PDF of the Submission Form, by March 1, 2016 to Nikolaos Papazarkadas at mailto:papazarkadas@berkeley.edu
Abstracts will be evaluated anonymously by members of the ASGLE Executive Committee, and should not be longer than 650 words (bibliography excluded): please follow the SCS “Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts”. All Greek should either be transliterated or employ a Unicode font. The Abstract should be sent electronically as a Word file, along with a PDF of the Submission Form, by March 1, 2016 to Nikolaos Papazarkadas at mailto:papazarkadas@berkeley.edu
Abstracts will be evaluated anonymously by members of the ASGLE Executive Committee, and should not be longer than 650 words (bibliography excluded): please follow the SCS “Guidelines for Authors of Abstracts”. All Greek should either be transliterated or employ a Unicode font. The Abstract should be sent electronically as a Word file, along with a PDF of the Submission Form, by March 1, 2016 to Nikolaos Papazarkadas at mailto:papazarkadas@berkeley.edu