
Regulations of AIEGL, approved by the extraordinary General Assembly of 29 May 1996. Please note that only the original French document is legally binding.

  • Art. 3 - Financial Resources

    The annual subscription for active members is fixed every five years by the General Assembly of its members on the proposal of the Bureau, which has the authority, if needed, to make increases in the course of the four years following up to maximum increase of 30%. The payment of fees by members and benefactors must be completed every year before 31 March or within three months of a member being admitted to the association. The bureau can also from time to time make a financial grant to a member of the Association to enable participation in the life of the Association, and especially to participate in the International Congresses of Greek and Latin Epigraphy.

  • Art. 4 - Members

    An active member is an individual whose application for membership has been accepted by the Secretary General and who has completed the annual payment or who has been dispensed from this paymeny.

    A benefactor is an individual who has applied for this status and who has given for the year in question a sum greater than ten times that of the prescribed membership fee.

    An honorary member is an individual who has been a member of the asasociation for at least five years and who, by virtue of outstanding achievements in the field of Greek and Latin epigraphy, of outstanding services rendered to AIEGL, has been designated to a lifetime honorary membership by nomination of the Bureau and a vote of the Assembly. Honorary members are dispensed from paying annual membership fees, but enjoy the same rights as other members. There may be no more than twenty honorary members.

    A life member is an individual who has paid at one time the equivalent of fifteen years of membership fees, and is thus dispensed from paying future annual membership fees.

    Voluntary resignation from the Association must be declared in writing before 30 November to become effective during the following year. A member who has not paid membership fees for three successive years without dispensation to do so will be removed from the list after receiving two reminders from the Treasurer. He or she may be re-admitted after re-application to the Secretary General.

  • Art. 6 - The Assembly

    A list of the persons who have the right to vote will be posted six hours before a session of the Assembly. All mistakes or omissions should be indicated to the Bureau at least two hours before the beginning of the session. Notification of a meeting of the Assmebly shall be provided at least six months beforehand. The Assembly shall be convoked and an agenda sent to members at least two months before the date prescribed for the meeting. All written proposals for proxy votes should be submitted to the Bureau at least two hours before the session. Honorary members may only vote as individuals.

    All the decisions of a regularly constituted Assembly from point a) to point h) are decided by a majority of votes cast directly or by proxy. In the case of a tie, the voting will be void and the motion submitted to a further vote. On point i) a majority of more than two-thirds of the votes cast, and on point j) a majority of more than three-quarters of the members are required. All the votes will be taken by a show of hands by those present, and by reading the names of the members who have voted by proxy, unless there is a request for an oral vote by those whose names are read out.

    The minutes of each Assembly must be recorded. After being signed by the President and the Secretary General they will be submitted for approval to the following General Assembly.

  • Art. 7 - The Bureau

    Every meeting of the Bureau is valid provided that it is attended by at least three of the five members, including the President or the Vice-President. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of those present. In tied votes, the vote of the President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, prevails. Written minutes must be made of each meeting of the Bureau. After approval, the minutes are signed by the President and the person who has drafted them.

    Among the specific responsibilities of the President are a) to represent the Association in person or by designating another individual for this purpose; b) calling and presiding at meetings of the Bureau (and establishing the agenda with the Secretary General); c) calling and presiding at meetings of the General Assembly (and establishing the agenda with the Secretary General) after consulting the Committee; d) signing every executive decision, consultative document or minute of the Association.

    The responsibilities of the Secretary General are the following: a) to supervise the overall conduct of the Association; b) to keep the membership list up-to-date with the help of the Treasurer; c) to provide information about meetings of the Bureau and the Committee; d) to compile News about AIEGL.

    The responsibilities of the Treasurer are the following: a) to supervise the conduct of the Association’s financial affairs, by processing the encashments and payments authorised by the Bureau; b) to keep the financial accounts up-to-date; c) to send requests for payment to members who have not paid their membership fees; d) to up-date the list of members in the various categories on a regular basis, informing the Secretary General about new members, benefactors, and those who should no longer remain on the list; e) to present a balance of account annually and also the quinquennial balance.

    The Vice-President and the deputy Secretary General assist the President and Secretary General respectively in fulfilling their functions, and replace them when they are prevented from doing so, resign, or are deceased. In cases where the Vice-President, the deputy Secretary General or the Treasurer are deceased or have resigned, the Bureau will replace them with the first of those not elected to the appropriate function.

  • Art. 10 - Candidatures and Elections

    A member may present him/herself as a candidate for election to be President, to be Secretary General, to be Treasurer, or to be a Committee Member. Every candidacy must be notified in writing to the Secretary General by the individual in question at least four months before the date fixed for the meeting of the General Assembly. The Bureau will bring the list of candidates’ names to members’ attention with the notice that convokes the Assembly. In cases where the number of candidates is insufficient for the posts that are to be filled, new candidates may be admitted during the Assembly itself. The elections will take place by a secret ballot conducted among the named list of the electors, who will vote either in person or through an intermediary representing them, defined in accordance with the procedures of article 6. The voting ballot shopuld contain a maximum of ten names: one each for the President, the Secretary General and the Treasurer, and seven others to choose the Committee Members. The two candidates for the Presidency who have received the largest number of votes will be elected President and Vice-President. The two candidates for Secretary General who have received the largest number of votes will be elected Secretary General and deputy Secretary General. In the case of a tie a second vote will be held. Ballots containing a larger number of names that that authorised shall be void. The organisation and sorting of the votes shall be the responsibility of an electoral commission of three persons, designated by the Assembly, who may not be members of the Bureau, members of Committee, or themselves candidates. The three verifiers of accounts for the coming mandate of office will be designated by the Assembly according to the proposal of the Bureau that is relinquishing office.